Perfect Teeth With Veneers

Categories: Porcelain Veneers
porcelain veneers price NYC

Today’s blog post focuses on an effective and versatile cosmetic dental procedure – porcelain veneers. Veneers are individual covers for the front part of teeth. They are an extraordinary way to correct a myriad of tooth imperfections such as chips, stains, yellowing, unattractive shape or minimal misalignment. Have you ever wanted a minimally-invasive facelift for…

Know The Facts About Oral Piercings

health risks of oral piercings Staten Island

Body piercings are a common form of self-expression seen around NYC. Today’s post is for those who currently have an oral piercing or are considering one. Since this is a dental blog, I am sure you expect us to raise all sorts of alarms warning of the dangers of piercings. You are right. Unfortunately, these…

A Youthful Smile At Any Age

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
implant dentures Staten Island

Declining health, limited mobility, financial strains – clearly, aging is not for whimps. Though some challenges Manhattan seniors face can’t be avoided, others can. Dental issues, for instance. Many dental problems common among NYC retirees such as missing teeth, gum recession, tooth damage, and yellowed enamel, can be remedied. With modern cosmetic dentistry at Staten…

Can I Objectively Evaluate My Smile?

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
esthetic smile design Brooklyn

It is no secret that a beautiful, pleasing, healthy smile can be your most prized physical attribute. After all, people notice your smile first thing. How do you know if your smile is detracting from your appearance? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; if you look at your smile in the mirror and…

Let That Winning Smile Shine In Staten Island, New York 10314

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
Let That Winning Smile Shine In Staten Island, New York 10314

Get clear, easy answers about veneers, teeth whitening, invisalign braces, tooth implants, crowns and fillings. If you want to know how much dental work will cost, the cost of porcelain crowns, the cost of teeth whitening, the price for porcelain veneers, root canals or cosmetic dentistry – just ask the experts at Staten Island Dental Care!