Today we are discussing veneers. You may have heard the word veneer used in conjunction with cosmetic dentistry, and that is because they are a popular and effective cosmetic dentistry tool.
porcelain veneers Staten Island
Top 6 Ways to Destroy a Beautiful Smile

6. Be a Builder Not a Wrecker
Bacteria is constantly trying to build an empire in your mouth. Give it what it wants: juice, soda, and chewy candy for the small crevices and hard to reach surfaces!
You, Only Better

If you’re looking for the brightest, whitest smile possible but insist that you want it to look natural, Dr. Frederick Hecht can sit down with you and show you how to achieve it.
Express Your Personality With A Smile Makeover

What makes up a perfect smile? White teeth? Straight teeth? Teeth with pleasing proportions relative to one another? A stunning smile is more than the sum of its parts. At Staten Island Dental Care, we believe that your perfect smile also contains another element – your unique personality.
What Is Oil Pulling?

Today’s Staten Island Dental Care dental post looks at oil pulling – an alternative practice that has been generating a lot of buzz around Staten Island.
Don’t Take Stress Out On Your Teeth, Staten Island

And Staten Island dental patients may find that when they are under stress, it is more common to neglect their oral hygiene habits. Many people in the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Bayonne areas find that they eat more sugary snacks when they’re under stress.